News & Events
We are recruiting students and postdocs!
2024: RNA Center Retreat
2024: Farewell party for JR
2023: Lab Holiday party
2023: RNA Symposium, lab members hosting Symposium speakers
2023: JR presents at IESCC symposium
2023: Lab hanging out
2023: JR presents at Cold Spring Harbor Meeting
2023: Lab hosting the Happy Hour for Biomed Division
2022: Lab hanging out
2022: Congrat Jingrong and Naoto for recieving the annual appreciation awards from the Biomed division!
2022: Lab at the Inaugural symposium of the UCR Center for RNA Biology and Medicine
2022: RNA Symposium, and Lab members hosting symposium speakers
2022: Jingrong Zhao presented his project at Inland Empire Stem Cell Consortium Symposium
2022: Lab hanging out
2022: Hooding Ceremony: Dr. Zhelin Jeff Li and Dr. John Vuong. What a pleasant day!
2021: Dr. Lin gave a talk to the IIGB Symposium
2021: Jingrong, Lin, and David received annual appreciation awards from the Biomed Dept Holiday Party!
2021: Lab holiday lunch party:
2021: The lab officially moved to the new MRB building Youtube link
2020: Dr. Lin Lin received the Special Recognition Award from the BioMed Division for her Exceptional Performance in Research.
2020: Dr. Jingrong Zhao was recognized by the BioMed Division for his dedication to the Zheng lab.
2020: Congrats to Lin and the team for a beautiful work published in Neuron!
2020: Congrats to John Vuong for his thesis defense! Virtual but real, and cool, Dr. Vuong!
2020: Congrats to Volkan for the acceptance of his paper in JMB!
2020: Congrats to Zhelin Li for his thesis defense! Newly minted Dr. Li!
2020: Farewell lunch for Volkan. Best wishes!
2019: Baby shower for Min.
2019: Min received best presentation award at the ultimate biomed retreat 2019.
2019: John Vuong and Volkan Ergin received travel awards to the International Society of Stem Cell Research Meeting.
2019: John Vuong received a DYP fellowship.
2019: Zhelin Jeff Li received a DYP fellowship.
2019: Dr. Min Zhang gave an oral presentation to the Southern California RNA Symposium.
2019: The lab hosted a HappyBioSOM on Apr 1 for the Biomed Division with tons of food and drink. Not a Apr fool.
2019: The lab hang out to celebrate a Neuron paper and the beginning of spring.
2019: Celebrate Dr. Cheryl Stork! Best wishes for all!
2019: Congrats to Volkan for being the runner-up in the poster award of the 12th Annual CGNI symposium.
2018: Min and Volkan received the MVP award of the year (most valuable player in the Zheng lab).
2018: Nominated John for the Special Recognition Award in the Biomed Division. And here he is, a certificate, gift card, and a photo op with our Chair Dr. Carson.
2018: Lin's confocal picture was selected as the cover for the first annual Ultimate Biomed Retreat. Congrats!
2018: Holiday celebration.
2018: Jeff got the best talk award in the GGB symposium!
2018: Baby shower for Lin!
2018: Congratulate Jeff for his graduate research mentorship fellowship!
2018: Congratulate Sarah for her MARC U pre-trainee fellowship!
Feb 9,2018: Congratulate Ruchira for her Minigrant!
Dec 11, 2017: The lab has a year-end bbq.
Aug 17, 2017: We celebrate Jeff passing his oral exam, in his favorite, BBQ style.
Apr 30, 2017: We congratulate Volkan’s expanding family. Baby #2.
Jan 27, 2017: Congratulate Jeff, Cheryl, and John for their travel grants to attend the Salk IPSEN symposium.
Dec 19, 2016: The Annual Appreciation Award recognizes the collegial actions and dedication to all members in the Zheng lab throughout the year.
This year the award is given to John Vuong. John, we value your teamwork, commitment and service to the lab!
Nov 21, 2016: Zheng lab prepared delicious food and hosted the happy BioSOM for School of Medicine.
Aug 17, 2016: Our confocal up and running. Image by Lin Lin.
June 22, 2016: Congratulate Israel for his MSSRP fellowship!
June 11, 2016: The lab dine out and celebrate Cheryl passing the Oral Exam! Now an official PhD candidate!
May 1st, 2016: Congrats Volkan on his new TUBITAK fellowship! Good Job!
Apr 22, 2016: Cognratulate Ahmad for his RISE fellowship!
Mar 29, 2016: Though Jeff’s application to Ford foundation fellowship did not make the 3% awarded, it was meritorious enough for him to be on the Honorable Mention List!
Feb 3, 2016: Congrats Nicole for her admission to UCR medical school!
Dec 21, 2015: Holiday party.
Oct 30,2015: Dapper Death John sure has proper PPE when seriously pipetting. Dapper Death John finds his way to stimulate Sika’s brain activity.
June 11, 2015, Zheng lab hosted a happy hour serving the Biomed program with Chinese kebabs, spicy hot pots and of course water melon!
June 5, 2015, Alfredo’s farewell party. We wish Alfredo all the best in his pursuit of PhD at UC Davis! Proud of you!
Mar 24, 2015 Selected for the CUBRI award.
Jan 5, 2015, Welcome Dr. Min Zhang, our first postdoc, to the lab!
Dec 19, 2014 Holiday lunch at Canyon Crest Country club
Oct 20, 2014, Ariani joined the lab. Welcome!
Aug 1, 2014. Cheryl joined the lab. Alfredo, our first lab tech joined the lab.
May 7, 2014. Cheryl bravely wanted to rotate in the lab.
May 1, 2014. We moved to UCR in this beautiful research space. This is where the great science will happen!